The MIDSR Journal of Dental Research is an official publication of MIDSR, Dental College, Latur. It is a biannually journal published with an aim to encourage research in all the branches of dentistry. The journal covers all research contents including, original article, review article, case reports, Letters to editor, news, student corner and any other relevant publication with the approval of editorial board. All the manuscripts are to be submitted online in word format to
Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscript should be written in clear British or American English. Times New Roman font of 12 to be used for text matter, 16 for titles & subtitles; double spaced with a margin of approximately one inch on each side.
General format of the research article should be as follows:

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract and key words
  3. Introduction
  4. Material and methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion/recommendations
  8. Acknowledgement if any
  9. References

Title Page (1st Page):-
The title page should include:

  1. Type of articles:- original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to editor, etc.
  2. Full names of the all authors along with their qualification, designation, department and institution.
  3. Detailed address of the author with whom correspondence is to be done along with phone no, mobile no. and email address.
  4. No. of pages, no of words, no. of photographs, no. of tables in the manuscript.

Abstract and key words (2nd Page):-
The abstract should contain factual and comprehensive summary of the manuscript in not more than 250 words. Abstract should be structured in to components including background, objectives, material and methods, results and conclusions.
Key words should be written in alphabetical order separated by commas not more than 5.

Main Text (Page 3 onwards):-

  • Introduction:-
    • It should contain clear aim and rational of the study. Do not review the subject extensively. Give only the pertinent references.
  • Material and methods:-
    • It should include sufficient details regarding study conducted. Mention type of study, period of study, study setting, sample size and selection of study subjects with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Identify the methods, apparatus, and procedures in sufficient details to allow other workers to repeat and reproduce the study. Provide references and brief description for methods that have not been published, not well known, if new or modified methods with reasons and evaluate their limitations.
    • In case of human experiments, mention whether the procedures followed were in accordance with Ethical Standards of the Committee on Human Experimentation of the institution in which experiments were done or in accordance with Declaration of Helsinki (1983).
    • Animal experiments should have been performed according to the guidelines of CPCSEA (Committee for Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals). Also refer website before submitting the papers on clinical trials. Mention regarding all the drug(s) and chemical(s) used including generic name(s), dose(s), route(s) of administration, manufactures name and address. Do not use patients’ names or initials or case numbers.
    • Details of statistical methods adopted for analysis of data should be specified along with tests of significance, level of significance and statistical packages/software.
  • Results:-
    • Present the results in logical sequence with the help of text, tables and illustrations. The data already given in the tables, illustrations or both should not be repeated in the text. Summarize only important and significant observations. Use of graphical methods as an alternative to the table should be used.
  • IV. Discussion:-
    • Emphasize the new and important aspects and conclusion derived in the study. Do not repeat details of data mention in the results. It should deal with interpretation of results and new findings. Similar findings in other studies should be mentioned for comparison. Discussion should be relevant and unnecessary lengthy presentation should be avoided. Also mention regarding any lacunae, weaknesses and limitations of the study.
  • Conclusion / Recommendations:-
    • A brief summary of the work supported by the data should be given along with concluding remark. Mention a few practical and feasible recommendations (if any) based on findings in the study.
  • Acknowledgement:-
    • Acknowledge only those persons who have made sufficient contribution to the study such as general support by institutional/departmental authorities, technical, financial and logistic support.
    • Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from the persons acknowledged by name.
  • Tables:-
    • Each table should be in a typed double space on a separate page. Each table should be numbered and brief title should be given. An abbreviated heading should be given in each column. Mention statistical measures like standard deviation (SD), standard error of mean (SE), percentages and ‘p’ value. Place a brief explanatory foot note below the table wherever necessary. Explain all non standard abbreviations in foot notes which are used in each table. Cite each table in the text in consecutive order.
  • Figures / illustrations/ photographs/ images:-
    • Figures should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively in Arabic. Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed, free hand or typewritten lettering is not acceptable. Figures to be supplied as soft copies in JPEG/TIFF format with good resolution. Brief descriptive legends should be provided with figure. When symbols, arrow, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of illustrations; identify and explain each one clearly. Photograph of identifiable persons must be accompanied by consent of individual. If illustrations from already published books, articles are to be used, permission of author and publisher must be accompanied with illustrations.
  • References:-
    • Put the references consecutively in the order in which they first mentioned in the text. Identify references in the text in Arabic numerical in parentheses. Authors are requested to follow “Vancouver style” for writing the references. Full explanation of same is available in British Medical Journal 1982:1766-70. The titles of journal should be abbreviated according to style used in Index Medicus. No. Of references should be up to 3 for letter to editor, 05 for case reports, 10 for original article and 15 for review article

Size and Categories of Manuscripts:-

  1. Original Articles:- It should address genuine clinical, epidemiological and experimental issues. It should fill the lacunae existing in the knowledge. It should not exceed 4500 words.
  2. Review Articles:- It should be innovative and comprehensive focusing the current trends of field. It should cover recent and practical aspect of the field and should not exceed 4500 words.
  3. Case Reports/Short Communications:-New interesting and rare cases should be reported. They should be unique describing diagnostic and therapeutic challenges and providing a learning point for the readers. The report should limit to 1500 words with following headings – abstract (unstructured), keywords, introduction, clinical summary, management and outcome of case, discussion, recommendations and references.
  4. Letters to editor:-Short, decisive and of clinical/epidemiological important letters similar to short communication without any abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  5. Student corner:-An opportunity for UG and PG students to share their academic views, innovative articles.

Authorial Responsibility:-
The journal does not accept any responsibility for the statements made by the authors. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work including changes made by the copy editor.

Undertaking by Authors:-
It is necessary that all the authors should give an undertaking (in the format specified by journal) indicating their consent to be co-authors in the sequence mentioned in the title page.

Copyright transfer agreement:-
Authors should sign a transfer of copyright agreement which recognizes the common interest that both journal and author(s) have in the protection of copyright. It will allow us to tackle copyright ourselves without having to go back to authors each time. Also send hard copies of undertaking and copyright by speed post.

Editorial Policy:-
The journal has an editorial board and several subject experts as ‘referees’. They will review the manuscripts, according to their area of expertise. The authors are also requested to respond to the referees comments and relevant revision of article within stipulated time period. All decision to accept, revise or reject a paper will be made by the editors. Poorly written manuscripts and those not written as per the instruction of the journal will be rejected. The rejected articles will not be returned to the authors. The editorial board keeps the right to regret publication of any article recommended by the referee on some valid policy issue and also the backlog of articles, if any, beyond the capacity of the journal to publish during that year. For all correspondence related to publication of articles, if no response is received within stipulated time; the article will be cancelled from the publication list with correspondence to the author.
The editorial board has the right to make any changes in the article as may be considered necessary for effectiveness of communication.
The editors and the publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for statements and opinions expressed in review articles, original papers, short communications, editorials and supplements published in the Journal.. Neither the editors nor the publisher guarantee, or endorse any products’ publication, nor guarantee any claims made by the manufacturer of such product or service.The editorial policy are subject to periodic modifications by the decision taken by the editorial board/editors.

  1. Covering letter
  2. Copyright form signed by all authors (Scanned Copy)
  3. Title page
  4. Manuscript

Current Issue:

Scope of the Journal:

The journal covers all research contents including original article, review article, case reports, Letters to editor, news, student corner and any other relevant publication from the area of dentistry with the approval of editorial board.

Details of Publisher:

MIDSR Journal of Dental Research is an Official Publication of Maharashtra Institute of Dental Sciences & Research, Vishwanathpuram, Amejogai Road, Latur. Pin Code: 413512

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